
What is Windows Hosting? [2023]

calendar iconJune 5, 2021

Choosing the right operating system when hosting your website is a vital part of your server set-up.

First, you need to know which web hosting solution best suits your website requirements.

There are several types of operating systems to choose from when it comes to hosting; Linux Hosting and Windows Hosting are two of the most common.

When you sign up for hosting services that don’t mention what kind of shared web hosting it is, more often than not, it is Linux shared hosting

While Linux hosting is a more popular shared hosting solution, some developers prefer to use windows shared hosting if their websites or web applications are built using Microsoft technologies such as ASP.NET, ASP, and MSSQL.

In this post, we will explain what Windows hosting is and when you may choose it over Linux hosting.

Windows Hosting is a type of web hosting that uses a Windows Operating System. 

To put things simply,  If you have subscribed to a Windows hosting plan, the server where your website is hosted is run by a Windows operating system platform.

Why choose Windows hosting?

There are several places where Windows can excel.

  • For websites that need specific Windows applications, Windows hosting is considered one of the easiest web hosting products – compared to solutions built on other operating systems.
  • It is less complicated when adding new features to expand your site, Windows can be more user-friendly.
  • Windows servers use the familiar, point-and-click user interface, compared to the command-line interface used by Linux – uses strings of texts to execute an action.
  • Windows requires minimal effort to operate, this enables less experienced server admins and users to utilize various built-in security features and functionalities.
  • The familiarity, ease of use and intuitive user experience is usually the reason why Windows is the top choice for many users and website developers.
  • Explore our Windows shared hosting plans now.