
Making An Impact DRaaS for Business Continuity [2023]

calendar iconSeptember 10, 2020

Considering the sheer magnitude of threats that organizations face today, it’s surprising to see that a
majority of businesses aren’t prepared for emergencies. In fact, 76% of global businesses aren’t protecting
their data or systems in any way.

So it’s no wonder that despite investments in security technology, businesses are struggling with IT
outages and phishing attacks that manage to sneak past firewalls and layers of encryption.

A PwC report found that businesses in the MENA region are more prone to cyber-attacks, with 85% of
 saying they suffered an attack, compared to the global average of 79%.

These cyber-threats, natural disasters, possible human errors as well as internal and external hazards,
threaten to disrupt business as usual.

That’s where continuity planning comes in – it helps organizations address these threats and create a plan
that ensures productivity even after a disaster. For businesses that are looking to secure their IT systems,
DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service) can help with state-of-the-art business continuity technology.

Disaster Recovery As A Service: Explained

Simply put, disaster recovery is a cloud-based solution that differs from traditional hardware-based

Here’s how it works: you employ a virtual machine with access to your backed-up data and set it up in the
cloud. In the event of a cyber-attack or data breach, you can simply point existing interfaces to the cloud –
and your business is back up and running.

When facing data threats such as ransomware, DRaaS creates a cushion between data and users who
want access to it.

Use it to back up critical business data to the cloud whenever needed, and simply switch off the connection
when it’s complete. Now you have an up-to-date duplicate of your network that’s only a click away in case
you need to turn off the primary systems.

Disaster recovery solutions enable businesses to take a proactive approach to disaster avoidance: you can
migrate data and workloads automatically to secure on-site data centers.

How Your Business Can Benefit From Disaster Recovery Solutions

There’s no doubt that the Middle East is one of the most susceptible regions to cyber-attacks as
geopolitical rivalries converge on cyberspace.

That makes DRaaS a cost-effective solution that complements in-house disaster recovery services. Its
industry-leading benefits include:

Facilitates In-House IT Teams

Leaving your in-house IT team to handle maintenance, disaster recovery planning, and testing can leave
them with little time to focus on other critical IT functions. DRaas not only simplifies IT security
management for your team, but it also frees your team up for more critical tasks at hand.

Quick Implementation

Organizations that deploy business continuity measures to mitigate damage from unforeseen disasters
require quick and definitive services to ensure the safety of their data and systems. Disaster recovery
solutions ensure that business owners won’t need to wait months for hardware installations – it can be
initiated in a matter of hours.

A Cost-Effective Solution

While DRaaS can be a significant investment, it also promises substantial savings and ROI.

The good news is that DRaaS is a cloud-based solution, so owners need only pay for the services they use.
Moreover, the service can scale with your business quickly and efficiently, should your needs grow in the
long run.

Moreover, in-house disaster recovery solutions can never adequately meet your needs: you’re either funding
excessive storage space that you don’t require at the moment, or you may need more in the future, and
your current plan isn’t sufficient for emergency needs.

Fast Recovery Time

In the event of a disaster, protracted recovery time can do you more damage than you expect. In contrast, a
DRaaS solution can quickly assess the situation and have you up and running in as little as 15 minutes.

Greater Access To Backup Data

Since it’s a cloud-based solution, you can access your system anywhere (provided there is an internet
connection). As such, should a disaster make your offices unfit for work, you can continue operations

Just plug in your systems, log in to your network in the cloud and get back to business as usual!

Expert Guidance And Help

Compared to in-house teams, DRaaS service providers often have more experience with managing data
security and disaster recovery planning.

In the event of a disaster, trust that your dedicated provider will safeguard your business – and get you
back on track.

In Conclusion

Businesses in the Middle East spent $1.43 million on post-data breach response over the past year. That
number is all set to rise as threats become more complicated.

That’s why local businesses can no longer delay the implementation of business continuity solutions.

Customers and end-users expect secure interactions with the businesses they engage with, and it has to be
seamless – despite the data threats and security concerns, your business may be facing.

Organizations that can maintain the confidentiality of sensitive data and provide secure storage will be
setting themselves up for repeat business and customer loyalty.

That being said, now is the right time to evaluate all options available to you before diving into DRaaS so
that you can adopt a balanced approach to your business continuity.

Microsoft Azure Site RecoveryCarbonite Cloud Backup, and Acronis Disaster Recovery Service are at the
top of their game, with a reputation for reliable cloud disaster recovery solutions in the MENA region.

Or contact us for tailored disaster recovery solutions for your unique business needs.