What is Endpoint Security? [2023]

Blog Post What is Endpoint Security? [2023]

calendar iconJune 25, 2021

The connection of individual devices to corporate networks creates attack paths to security threats.
Endpoint Security is an automated system that employs a range of security and configuration management methods including encryption, audit logging, patch management, and more to protect your systems from malware, unauthorized access and data exfiltration.

Organizations of all sizes are at risk from all sorts of cybercrime, including both malicious and accidental insider threats. Endpoint security is usually the first form of defense organizations invest in to secure their enterprise networks. 
Endpoint protection systems and solutions usually provide features like, threat detection, response, and unified monitoring. The increased frequency and trailblazing complexity of the threat landscape has required organizations to explore more advanced< like, IT security solutions like, endpoint security solutions.

Endpoint Security Defined

Endpoint security is the practice of securing endpoints or entry points before accessing corporate networks. Endpoint security protects end-user devices from being exposed to malicious attacks and security threats. This includes desktops, laptops, and mobile devices

What else is considered an Endpoint?

Any device connected to a network is considered an endpoint. 

With the growing popularity of bring your own device initiatives, organizations’ networks can be connected to hundreds, even thousands of individual devices at any given time. End points can include but are not limited to: laptops, tablets, mobile devices, smart watches, printers, servers, ATM machines and medical devices. 

Endpoint Security - LDC

Why is Endpoint Security Important

According to a 2020 study by the Ponemon Institute, The average economic loss of a single successful endpoint breach was $8.94 million with an increase of 25 percent year over year. 

The frequency of attacks against endpoints is increasing and detection is becoming even more difficult. With cyber criminals constantly scheming to infiltrate corporate networks – Endpoint security is a matter that must be handled with absolute diligence for businesses of all sizes. 

If you are running a small business – think again. 

Don’t just think because you have a small business that this does not apply to you too! In fact, cybercriminals understand that it’s more likely that smaller businesses do not have the adequate endpoint security measures set up yet.

How Endpoint protection Works

Endpoints are managed and secured using Endpoint protection platforms or EPPs for short. 

These EPPs work by filtering data and devices as they enter an organization’s network. 

EPPs can detect various incoming threats, such as malware. Using a centralized console, IT security specialists and system administrators can manage, monitor and control security for every device connected on any given network gateway. This way administrators can authenticate users, adminsitor corporate policies across various locations and block the use of unauthorised applications or communication for example. 

These solutions can also include EDR capabilities. EDR stands for Endpoint Detection and Response. These capabilities allow for the detection of more advanced threats such as fileless malware and zero-day attacks. 

Endpoint security is just the start, explore an entire suite of IT security solutions with LDC and protect your business today.