When deciding on your hosting platform, you may also want to consider the server’s operating system (OS), which often comes down to two options: Linux and Windows hosting.
Which is better for your business, Windows hosting or Linux hosting? This post will help you decide which hosting platform is better for your specific website - Windows or Linux based. It will also explain the pros and cons of each platform for your website's specific needs.
Many factors might affect your final decision about which operating system to adopt, such as ease of use, development tools, control panels, and more.
In this post, we will pinpoint some of the essential differences between Linux and Windows Hosting.
Read on to find out which OS is right for you.
Let’s dive in!
Windows Hosting provides users with access to web development features based on Windows operating systems – Microsoft’s Windows is the most widely used computer operating system in the world, accounting for 70.92 percent share of the desktop, tablet, and console OS market in February 2021.
Therefore, users and web developers are more familiar with Windows server operating systems.
Windows hosting requires complex IT infrastructures and huge in-house support.
Therefore, most businesses that account for Windows hosting are large organizations.
To learn more about Windows Hosting, read our blog post on What is Windows Hosting?
Linux hosting utilizes Linux as the server operating system. Linux is widespread between users and web developers and it is the most commonly used system today.
It’s known for its maturity and excellent reputation in the web hosting world. 96.3% of the world’s top 1 million servers run on Linux.
Windows is the most popular OS for PC users, managing a Windows hosting server is relatively easy as it has a more graphical and intuitive interface.
However, accessing and managing a Linux hosting server requires command-line interface knowledge and skills.
The Linux command line is a text interface to your computer – this allows users to execute commands by typing at the terminal.
Accessing a Linux hosting server is through a control panel known as cPanel, while Windows users use Plesk to access their servers.
Websites that are developed with ASP.NET, MSSQL, ASP classic, .NET core, and MS Access will only work with Windows servers.
If your server is not running on one of these applications, then Linux hosting is the better choice for your hosting needs.
Linux hosting is typically used to set up websites using these tools: PHP, Apache, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and MySQL.
Not all businesses require the same level of web hosting resources. Therefore, understanding the key differences between Linux and Windows hosting will allow you to choose the right operating system and web host.
Explore Windows shared hosting plans or discover alternative managed hosting services now.