
What Is Cybersecurity? [2023]

calendar iconAugust 7, 2021

Cybersecurity is the process through which you protect data, devices, and networks from criminal use and unauthorized access. It also refers to the practice of ensuring that information is made available while ensuring integrity and confidentiality Cybersecurity is the protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. It is the most critical security challenge facing organizations today and involves a wide range of technical and non-technical activities. In this article, we provide a brief overview of cyber. 

These days our lives greatly rely on the internet and emerging technologies that can only be used when connected to the World Wide Web. For example, entertainment consists of video games, social media, and streaming platforms; communication takes place through tablets, smartphones, and email; shopping is done using credit cards on online stores, etc. 

And while doing all that, we leave our personal information online unprotected for malicious actors to uncover. This mandates the need for investing in IT Security Solutions as a priority to safeguard this data and keep hackers and attackers at bay. 

Let’s look at what cybersecurity entails, why it’s essential, and what you can do to improve cybersecurity measures.

Why Is Cybersecurity Important?

People only understand the importance of having a viable security system when something goes wrong. Possible consequences of a cybersecurity breach include employee and customer data theft, loss of business secrets, financial losses, fines, operational disruption, rise in insurance premiums, and often a blow to business reputation. 

So, all in all, cybersecurity isn’t a complication, but it is a business imperative that should be taken care of at the earliest. 

Cybersecurity Measures That Offer Instant Protection

There are several steps you can take to increase security against cyber threats, such as:

Know The Important Terms

You, firstly, need to know what the risks are and what different cybersecurity-related terms are before you can take further steps. These are some of the phrases you should know:

· Malicious Code

Malicious code or ‘malware’ refers to unwanted programs or files that compromise stored data or cause harm to the system. These include Trojan horses, worms, and viruses. In addition, malicious code usually has these characteristics:

  •  Sometimes, malicious code shows up as one thing but does a different action entirely. For example, a program may claim to make your computer run fast, but it actually sends your confidential information to a hacker. 
  • It might prompt you to click a link or open an attachment that looks like a business document but is a virus that can infect your computer and then the entire network connected to it. This could happen by clicking on a specific link or through an email attachment being opened. A report showed how 93% of the 62.6 billion cyber threats that were blocked in 2021 by TrendMicro in Egypt were email-based
  •  Some malware types can infect your system without you doing anything at all. It usually attacks a software vulnerability and exploits it. Once the computer is successfully infected, the malicious code will try finding and infecting other computers. They may be able to do this through network-based software, websites, and email, as well

· Intruder, Attacker, Or Hacker

These are terms used for the people trying to exploit system and software weaknesses for personal gain. Most of the time, they do not have sinister intentions and are just curious, but their actions still violate what the system was meant to be used for. They can do this to be mischievous (by creating a virus that does not destroy, steal or debilitate networks) or for more malicious reasons (to alter or steal information).

· Vulnerabilities

This term refers to the inherent flaws in hardware, firmware, or software that allow exploitation by hackers for unauthorized actions in a computer. Vulnerabilities can cause software programming errors that let remote intruders take advantage of the errors and infect computers with malicious code.

· Ensure You Are Running Updated Antivirus Software

Install antivirus software to protect yourself against cyberattacks. This software monitors your system round the clock, and it can detect, isolate and remove several types of malicious code and viruses. After installing the software, make sure to enable updates to occur automatically so that you can be appropriately protected against all the latest threats.

However, keep in mind that antiviruses detect “signatures,” i.e., known patterns of malicious code, and some of these can’t be spotted at all. So, unfortunately, some of the best antivirus software out there still cannot provide complete protection against more advanced and new threats such as polymorphic viruses and zero-day exploits.

· Keep All Your Software Updated

Besides keeping your antivirus software updated, make sure to install software patches that prevent an attacker from taking advantage of known vulnerabilities or problems. Most operating systems also offer automated updates. If you have this option, do enable it.

· Use A Firewall

A firewall may prevent attack vectors from entering your computer system as it blocks malicious traffic from approaching the network and restricts unneeded outbound communications. Most operating systems come with an inbuilt firewall. You can enable and configure it according to the instructions specified in the system owner’s manual.

Cybersecurity is an essential part of our technologically reliant lives, so make sure to learn about it and take all the critical measures to create a safer online environment for you and your team.